UI/UX design:
top 10 trends of 2018

The development of innovative technologies has long crossed the threshold of a new era. Rapid industry progress has also touched the application field.

The most important factor in it became the experience of user interaction.

Previously, attention was paid to graphics, appearance, design, and today the following aspects have risen to one level with them:

  • accuracy;
  • productivity;
  • infallibility;
  • efficiency;
  • hardware and software part of an application.

LiveWireLabs argues that the emergence of new trends in 2018 in this area is the result of combining user interaction skills with interface tools.

Major changes in the application programming industry began in 2017. The following factors had a direct impact on the interaction experience:

  • design;
  • interface;
  • content;
  • user attitude.

Most developments have crashed due to their flaws and misapplication of the UI. IIt became clear that flawless interface design is impossible without taking into account the skills of interaction. The developer needs to clearly recognize the needs and interests of the end user in order to succeed. Only under such conditions, the product will satisfy the needs of the audience.

Design trends are closely related to innovative technologies. In 2018, 10 popular and noteworthy trends in UI/UX design in the field of application design were highlighted.

Content is an essential element in developing applications.

The main component of high-quality UI/UX design is a combination of unique and exciting content with a positive interaction skills. In 2018, the main trend was the experience with high-quality content.

Innovative approach

It is impossible to understand the needs of the audience if you do not look at the product from its point of view. For example, it’s easier to use a device whose screen you don’t need to touch often. Then there will be less user dissatisfaction.

The basis of the innovative approach to the experience of interaction was the following aspects:

  • utility;
  • interest;
  • originality;
  • availability;
  • reliability;
  • significance.

Fast-functioning design tools

The user's attention is focused on one thing for only 8 seconds. Then it switches to another application or option. Today, a person wants to achieve the desired result with one touch on the touchscreen of his gadget. UX designers have a goal - to develop such devices that will respond quickly and save owner time.

Voice control interfaces

The results of a study conducted over several years show that voice search queries make up 20% of the total. Gadget voice management improves user engagement. For example, you don’t need to type text while driving, but you can just say it. An important element of this function is 90% accuracy.

The prevalence of augmented reality technology

Augmented reality always tried to bring closer to reality. In combination with artificial intelligence, it is considered an important component of the technological areas of our time.

Biometric identification

Not so long ago, no one has heard about the protection of gadgets through biometric authentication or scanning of the retina. Currently, you will not surprise anyone with this option, it has become so familiar - almost every smartphone model is equipped with such a function. Along with it, device protection through voice and face authentication is popular.

Correction of inconvenient design tools

Designers “hide” options and buttons in compact icons. But not everyone likes it. The user begins to get confused, eventually annoyed and loses interest in the application.

The use of simple color schemes

Gone are the days when application designers set themselves the main task of using a bright, diverse color palette. Today, design is simplified. More important is how much time and how much effort a person spends on the operation. In 2018, a design that required a small number of touches on the touchscreen became popular.

The way to wear gadgets

Innovative technologies have enabled people to control their gadgets through security systems. Devices that are put on hands began to appear on sale. The Apple Watch quickly became very popular.

Functional animation

The skills of user interaction is inextricably linked with functional animation. It provides work with the device in the mode of performing several tasks simultaneously. This feature is necessary for applications where at least two functions are immediately involved.