Blitz is an iPhone / Android App which is made as a pilot project for E-Scooters MVP (minimum viable product) for testing purposes as a proof-of-concept application.

Key features
Quick access
Scan QR Code to unlock your scooter
Manually access
Input vehicle number if it's impossible to scan QR code

Choose your scooter on the map
Find all scooters nearby and hold one for a few minutes. Review battery status and location for each available scooter
Check accessible areas
Review interactive map with free-to-park and prohibited zones

Project features

This App was developed with Google’s Mobile App SDK “Flutter” which allows users to create one app for iOS and Android at the same time.
Comunication with the server was designed by using MQTT protocol (widely known in Smart Home systems). For testing purposes, we also developed a hardware part with a help of Arduino platform.