Bonus Berry
BonusBerry is a project which allows the users who set up the browser extension to be informed on current discounts in internet shops of the CIS. This extension starts working during a visit to an internet shop and is inactive during surfing other internet sources.
Customer: BonusBerry, Belarus

To develop the extension for BonusBerry discount coupon system. The extension should collect the information about all the discount programs from top CPA aggregators, inform buyers about them during internet shop visits being inactive at other sources. Also it is necessary to develop a partnership system with payable browser set-ups. The website should report the traffic source ID of partner webmasters to the extension for counting the rewards to webmasters.
Server via API should get data about current actions from CPA nets and process them. The extension uses the server to access current coupons and discounts and displays them to users when needed.

Back-end was located on Amazon servers, load balancer was activated which guaranteed a steady system working. According to the proposed concept the server was collecting information from CPA nets via API forming the database. As for the extension it used the server several times a day updating information. In order to implement partnership program the webmaster’s ID was tracked down. UTM markers and cookie were used to transfer the webmaster’s ID from the website to the extension. Also a completely dynamically loading extension was developed which was built into other extensions as a type of monetizing.
Project results
The extension has demonstrated great efficiency as evidenced by an impressive amount of unique users of BonusBerry a day — more than 3 million of them. The project continues working and is supported by our company.