PayLater Plugin
PayLater Plugin is a project which allows a bank to provide its clients to get a credit on buying products from internet shops without any immediate contact with shops (without integrating a bank code into a shop webpage). The process of providing credit is implemented via browser plugin which enables purchase automation and integration with a seller’s interface.

To create a safe solution which:
— is safe
— operates at unlimited number of websites
— allows to purchase using company virtual credit cards.
To widen clients database of a credit card company giving an opportunity to purchase goods on credit not only at websites integrated into PayLaterPlugin system but also at all the major trading platforms (Amazon, Debenhams and etc.)
The extension detects pages with goods among all the other pages. Information on any found goods is sent to a server of a credit card company which decides on providing credit. An invitation bar for purchasing goods on credit is displayed in case of approval.

Rather difficult and powerful solution consisting of several modules:
Module 1
Recognizig the pages with goods, ability to distinguish a page with description and purchase offer from all the other pages (wiki-articles, reviews, catalogues).
With the help of lexical analysis of thousand various pages several dictionaries and procedures have been developed which through mathematical, statistical and functional analysis of a page detect the certain type of a page with certain degree of probability.
Module1 identify: ordinary page, product page, product catalog page, checkout summary page, payment page.
Module 2
Page contents analysis, definition of names, brands and prices. Data exchange with banks.
Dictionaries and specific rules have been developed which allow to define an actual price of goods (differentiating it from a price without a discount or a price of other goods at this page).
Module 3
Semi-automatic guidance of a user at a website. Invitation to a shopping cart. Defining of checkout summary page (shopping cart page). Filling in necessary information and delivery address at checkout summary page.
Project results
The solution has been implemented, multiple tests have been carried out, analyses and researchings of application interacting with real users. The Plugin has been approved by the test-group of users and received a high level of interest.