Browser market review
(winter of 2017)

According to LiveInternet statistics the situation on the browser market in the beginning of 2017 hasn’t changed a lot.

Judging the results of January the most popular kind of browsers is Google Chrome, taken over more than half of the market — 55,09%.

Services OpenStat and HotLog have published the similar figures — 48.22% and 49.75% respectively.

The situation has been in favour of Google since the spring of 2016 when Chrome for the first time overtook Internet Explorer and subsequently demonstrated steady and notable increase of users amount (the source It makes sense, Microsoft have stopped supporting IE and focused on their own brand-new product, the Edge browser, which as developers provided assurance has set new standards of security and speed of browsing webpages. However, Edge hasn’t received any spread it should yet, unfortunately the browser is supported only on OC Windows 10. That’s why to date the number of Edge users is still lower than those of IE — 5.48% against 19.71%.

The market review on the whole has the following figures:

Google Chrome – 57.94% Internet Explorer – 19.71% Mozilla FireFox – 11.77% Microsoft Edge – 5.48% Safari – 3.74% ETC – 1.64% Opera browser has virtually disappeared from sight. In November 2016 Opera Software was divided into a few organizations. Desktop and mobile browser department was taken over by Chinese company Kunqi. Opera has proven to be the most popular in Central and South Africa thanks to the functoin Opera Turbo for low-speed Internet connection.

Google Chrome also has the leading position on the mobile browser market — 53.15%. Following it is Safari with 32.44%. Top of popular mobile browsers is represented by Android Browser as well with the figure of 6.58%. In contrast to desktop browsers Opera product still draws up rather significant portion of 4.57% in mobile devices segment.